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Yoga Asana

Physical Practice

sat - sun - tues - wed


9:00 - 10:00 AM EST

Open & Balanced

Let's start the weekend on a good foot by releasing tension from the past week and opening up the mind and body.  Now that we're getting back outside and becoming more active again, we could use some longer held postures to increase flexibility as well as core-strengthening postures.  I'd like to also focus a bit more than usual on balancing postures.  Overall, a balanced practice with the emphasis shifting a bit for each practice.  


6:00 - 6:30 PM EST

Loosen up & Rest

A 30-minute practice:  Short, sweet, effective.  We'll explore various postures to loosen up from the day and open up for the evening.  A period of rest accompanied by soothing sounds of crystal singing bowls and bamboo chimes will help you into a deeper relaxation.  You'll  feel energized and refreshed for the evening ahead.



10:00 - 11:15 AM EST

Restore & Strengthen

We practice at a local park in Royal Oak when weather allows.  


Restore your energy, balance the body with strength and flexibility, and open up the heart and mind to this deeper spiritually-centered practice.

Please have props handy (yoga blocks, firm blankets/pillows).

Offered all year - On designated days we may practice OUTSIDE at the park. 


11:00 - 11:30 AM EST


Energize, neutralize and refresh in this 30-minute practice right in the middle of the workweek.  You'll be able to clear the mind and give your body the attention it deserves.  It might be a challenge to make the time for class, but you won't regret making the effort!  


Notes on live Zoom classes:​


  • Class will begin on time. You may log in a few minutes early to be prepared.

  • You may keep your camera on or off but please make sure you are muted during practice.

  • I typically record class so that it can be available on my website and YouTube later, but I am the only one showing in the recording. 

Anchor 1

Deep Relaxation with Yoga Nidra

Live Sessions TBA

Yoga Nidra involves lying down while I verbally guide you into a state of deep relaxation.  In that relaxation you'll be able to experience the presence and power of Awareness right then and there.   


Short Yoga Nidra sessions to help you master the ability to relax, guarding yourself from stress and very importantly, learning how to become the relaxed and disengaged observer.

Short Yoga Nidra Sessions Coming Soon 

Notes on live Yoga Nidra classes:


  • Class will be held on YouTube to help with sound quality.  

  • The buttons will take you to a page on my website where that "unlisted" livestream video will be held.

Anchor 2
Anchor 3

Group Discussion

& Support

2nd Thursday of each month

Open to all individuals who are subscribed to the e-mail list.  Each month I e-mail the group to see who would like to join and then send the zoom link on the day of our meeting.


Sign-up for the e-mail list on the homepage.

May 13

6:00 - 7:15 pm EST

Casual Online Group Discussion

How are things going for you?  What's your Yoga practice like these days?  What are you reading?  And whatever else comes to mind...

June 17 (3rd Thurs)
6:00 - 7:15 pm EST

Casual Online Group Discussion

How are things going for you?  What's your Yoga practice like these days?  What are you reading?  And whatever else comes to mind...

Anchor 4

Live & Recorded YogaClasses

Online with Sandy Naimou


Recycled Circle Badge

Join the CEY e-mail list and stay up-to-date on live-stream classes.

The First Two Limbs of Yoga

Yama & Nimaya Study

First Monday of the Month


There are "8 Limbs" or "8 branches" of Yoga.  In the West, we equate "Yoga" with what is actually only the third branch, and that is "asana."  "Asana" is about cultivating the ability to have a "comfortable seat" in order to practice meditation for long periods, though we tend to equate the word with physical postures of Hatha Yoga. 


In this monthly group study, we will be focusing on the first two branches of Yoga, "Yama" and "Niyama."  Sages all over the world have recognized ideal ways of living to enhance our quality of life as well as the rate of our evolution.  The Yamas and Niyamas offered by many such sages in the Yogic tradtion, give us guideposts for ways of living harmoniously with others and with ourselves.  By assimilating these ways into our lives we come to a deeper awareness about ourselves and build a genuine ability to respect life. 


Without these two branches, it is said that our physical practice is mere exercise and I wholeheartedly believe it.  Our thoughts and behaviors really matter, because they affect us as well as others in seen and unseen ways.  These branches matter more than perfecting any physical yoga posture.  


If you are interested in joining, please e-mail me directly or use the "contact" option in the menu.  You'll need to purchase a copy of the book that we'll be studying:


"The Yamas & Niyamas: Exploring Yoga's Ethical Practice," by Deborah Adele


CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE THROUGH BOOKSHOP.ORG and help raise money for local bookstores!  (I am an affiliate and get commissions for purchases made through this link). 

Also available on Amazon.

First Monday of the Month

6:00 - 7:30 pm EST

Yama / Niyama

Book Study &

Practical Application

Tentative 2021 Dates:

January 4             July 5

February 1           August 2

March 1                September 6

April 5                   October 4

May 3                    November 1

June 7                   December 6



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