Meditative Writing
for Living Every Day
from a Spiritual Point of View
Meditative Writing & Sound Immersion
Deep relaxation and writing both promote clarity and healing in mind and body. When combining relaxation and writing, the writing becomes meditative. In this process, we can reach a deeper state of awareness than what is typically available to us and explore it through the written word. This is a powerful way, perhaps even the way of the mystic poet, to go within for self-knowledge, understanding, self-trust and empowerment and ultimately, inner transformation. You will leave with a powerful tool to carry on in a daily meditation.
The depths of your writing will reflect the deeper state of consciousness you will experience.
We will write utilizing certain techniques that access depths in the mind and kindle creativity. Crystal singing bowls and gong will accompany part of this process, assisting a relaxed sense of concentration. We will also work with Prana through breathwork, tension releasing exercises, and self-massage especially conducive to writing in a relaxed way. Nourishment for the body also includes refreshments, such as a tea blend for clarity by local artisan, Kate Gould who will share with us the benefits, and a light vegan gluten-free lunch.
After the workshop you'll have in your journal a written vision, describing desires for your spiritual life that you accessed in deep relaxation. You'll have documented how how you want to express these desires across different areas of your daily life, whether at work, play, or in your bank account (how will we pray if we cannot even eat?). You'll learn a method to incorporate this into a daily meditation practice to keep you on your identified path.
This offers a spiritual boost for the flowing of your intentions into the world, intentions that come from your center, not the world. Here you will clear the path for your intentions' flowing, "like the farmer" as Patanjali explains in Yoga Sutra IV.3, who guides the flow of water to the field.
"The current of our life must flow on incessantly, its direction being continually determined by our actions, thoughts and feelings." -I.K. Taimni, The Science of Yoga
Play the video to hear the crystal bowls. These, a gong, and other sounds are included in this journey.
You have your own answers, we just need to facilitate your opening up to them.
Reserve your spot!
In Yoga Nidra, I've described the experience as "beyond words." In this experience, we invoke words in a meditative state to ex-press what is already im-pressed within, and found in the inner world. Then, acknowledging our deeper desires we can intentionally
im-press our minds on the future.

to reserve your spot for
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Meditative Writing
What to bring:
Bring a writing journal, pen, dress in layers and bring any other items for comfort (yoga mat, hydration, maybe blanket(s), or pillow, etc! )
E-mail Instructions:​
You'll receive an e-mail from me with reminders and instructions as we get closer to your event (1-2 days prior)!
Cancellation Policy:
If your plans change, you can apply this purchase to a future workshop/class or receive a refund. Please give as much notice as possible so that I may open up your spot to others. Do your best to make this time for yourself- it's worth it!
E-mail me and let me know about the change A.S.A.P. -news@creativeenergyyoga.com
Incorporating breathwork with sound meditation and writing, this experience will help you bring together, connect, unify, your intentions. We often feel split, moving in many different directions that don't seem to join up. Sometimes we have certain values and principles that we struggle to apply to all areas of life. This intensive will help you identify what appears disconnected, at odds and even blocking you from seeing more clearly.
The way to unifying our lives is connecting everything we do to one source and tie our intentions together with that connecting source. Individuals will identify that source differently. Whereas the source for many is God, it could also mean Love, the Soul, Spirit, Mother Nature, Highest Inner Nature, deepest sense of Self, Virtue, and more. The idea of source itself can change for us as we progress in our lives; I know it has for me. My idea of Source has changed since I was a child; it has been accepted, denied, shrunken to a pea, but now it continues to expand and expand. Wherever you are, that's where you will start.
We will field questions into our spiritual positions to lay the groundwork for connective intentions.
What would it feel like to know how areas of your life connect to each other? We'll write about these areas towards a felt sense of unity in our thoughts and actions. Guided from this central connection, this experience aims to help you experience the coming together of thoughts and actions that flow in one direction. Whether in work, play, prayer, meditation, or time spent with family, we can unify our intentions so they spill over into every area of life.
Reach an effortless state of deep relaxation
to access the mind's depths of awareness, of wisdom.
An experience to facilitate a unified life with a clear direction, purpose and meaning, all which bring joy and peace.

RELAXATION: Guided meditation, integrated breathwork, and sound meditation will help you journey deeper into a relaxing state. Crystal and Tibetan singing bowls as well as a gong and other healing sounds will help us support a harmonious environment. Healing sounds have a specific quality. They are prolonged and slowly pulsate, affecting the brain waves which mimic the surrounding vibrations. This triggers a chemical response in the brain that leads to relaxation, restoration, and healing. In this altered state of consciousness, you will be able to shed layers of tension and come into a deeper connection within. Absorbing the sounds and clearing away tension in the mind, we feel grounded and centered, and we can then open up to clarity in the heart.
In addition to healing sounds and guided writing, we will work with Prana through breathwork, tension releasing exercises, and self-massage especially helpful for relaxed writing. This will allow less physical distraction, more energy, and more awareness of it at the same time. It is a controlled awareness. Less body tension allows for deeper relaxation in the mind. Movement, flowing energy, is necessary to open up to the deeper mind.
Blankets and blocks will be available. This will be a seated event using props for comfort though we will be sure to move about. Chair or floor seating available.
A light vegan gluten-free lunch and refreshments, hot and cold, will be provided.
Imagine your mind as a spacious and vast sky, just like the one above you. There are times when this sky is filled with clouds of liquid droplets, frozen crystals, suspended particles keeping you from seeing the light above them and under them. Your physical body, your emotions, your thoughts, and all the tension in between, layer upon layer, clouding this sky and keeping you from seeing clearly. You've felt the difference between a "cloudy" and a "clear" mind. You already know what I mean!
Clarity and the feeling of knowing supports self-trust and does away with self-doubt. We already know deep down inside, we just need to clear the overcast sky and see that internal flame. Seeing clearly in the mind and heart shines radiance into your life, so that everything all around, as if sparkling, looks different, even the darkness, the sadness and the pain.
I hope you'll take time to join me to shine your clear heart!
Let the Mind's Radiant Clarity sparkle and tickle your bones.
When we direct our thoughts, beliefs and feelings intentionally, i.e. our thought energy, we are more efficient and effective in the world, but most importantly, we experience a deep connection within ourselves. You'll leave this intensive with an outline of your inner thought world so that you can express it intentionally in the outer world, in everyday life.
Release old conditioning and tension in body and mind.
Facilitate a felt sense of harmony between the two.
Open up and become receptive to your inner wisdom.
Writ the bridge that will connect your Inner World to the Outer World.
Unify within and Unify without.
Move inward to the center.